April 7, 1937

Filipino President Manuel Quezon visits San Antonio. On the left is mayor Charles Quin, Postmaster Dan Quill, President Quezon, General Herbert Brees and General Douglas MacArthur sporting a fedora and suit.

Quezon’s and MacArthur’s fates would be forever be linked with the Japanese invasion of the Philippines followed just hours after their sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941. 

Filipino President Manuel Quezon visits San Antonio, flanked by mayor Charles Quin, Postmaster Dan Quill, Quezon, General Herbert Brees, and General Douglas MacArthur in fedora and suit. | Drink up the history with The Barwalk, San Antonio TX

Filipino President Manuel Quezon visits San Antonio, flanked by mayor Charles Quin, Postmaster Dan Quill, Quezon, General Herbert Brees, and General Douglas MacArthur in fedora and suit. | Drink up the history with The Barwalk, San Antonio TX

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